Sunday, November 15, 2009

absence making the heart grow fonder?

hopefully.  sorry all, I've been attacked by midterms and finals and new responsibilities at work and have had zero time for blog posts.  this one is only being written because I am procrastinating on finals.  don't worry, though, I have tons of book reviews and restaurant review and movie reviews coming at you sooner than you can say "homework is dumb."

for now, I leave you with:

zombieland = awesome

tofu frittata with peas, potatoes, and onions = also awesome.  if I had a camera, I would make you all jealous with pictures.

I'll be back soon.  I promise.  for now, go watch this episode of parks and recreation:

1 comment:

  1. Ok good. I was wondering what you were up to. Sorry Toni and I didn't call, we were in a food coma on Saturday night. It's good to go to restaurants where you know the chef.
