Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Review Capsules!

So I've been absent. I'm sorry. But not that sorry. Both my sisters have come into town, which means lots of fun activities! Well, sort of. Lots of eating out, and other annual St. Louis fall activities. Anyway, to see the kinds of things I've been up to this fall, including awesome reviews of Winslow's Home, Katie's Pizza. Shaw Art Fair, and more follow the jump.
It's easier to break these up by visitor, so first, Julia's visit!  Unfortunately we were all sort of sickly, but that doesn't mean we couldn't have fun.

Jack in the Box
I don't think Jack in the Box is specific to St. Louis, but it hasn't existed in any other city I've lived in. And for that reason it's an awesome novelty. Plus, it has curly fries. And churros (that don't resemble the real thing at all). And other bad-for-me deliciousness. And the best part? 24-hour drive throughs. Side note: did you know Jack in the Box and Qdoba were owned by the same company?

Best of Missouri Market
Wow this was awesome.  $12 to get in normally, but only $5 if you're a member (or can borrow someone's card). The admission totally paid for itself in free samples, plus you get admission to the gardens in one fell swoop. Awesome merchandise for sale and to try out - I picked up tons of gifts for relatively cheap, and the satisfaction everyone was a local businessperson.

We had one vegan and one strict meat-and-few-vegetables eater (guess who?) in our party, and thank goodness for Lemongrass, and tofu sesame balls. Our waiter was kind of hurrying us along, but it was a Saturday night and they were busy, and we were taking up a 6-person table.

Shaw Art Fair
Annoying that the admission was $5, but I understand why. I think this was more of a one-time thing. I'm glad I went, but it felt a lot more like visiting a museum or gallery than an art fair. All I could do was admire from a distance, since I am allergic to art that costs more than $50.

Tower Grove Farmer's Market
I love this market so hard.

My youngest sister, Lilly, visited more recently. Here's some of the shit that we did.

St. Louis Art Museum
I love SLAM, and I can't wait for renovations to be done (which will probably be forever). If you get a chance, go see the library. It's awesome. And only open during limited business hours Tues-Fri, but check their website for specifics. The Japanese screens were kind of disappointing, and there were only, like, 6 of them. But it's also entirely possible I missed a room. Anyway, SLAM is a great deal (since it's free), and special exhibits are free on Fridays.

Star Clipper
See this longer post!

Tropicana Lanes
Okay, yes, I love the name. And the food. They have some sort of garlic homemade chips that are definitely awesome. And yes, I wish they had more light-weight balls with adult-sized finger holes, but that happens at all bowling alleys. They also run a great special on Sunday if you have four or more people. They're always pretty clean, and pretty smoke-free, and you aren't going to be next to Jesus from The Big Lebowski.

Winslow's Home
Lilly and I had lunch here on a Friday, and it was pretty nice. I'd like to go again, and maybe try out dinner. Lunch was pretty crowded, and it also was a little confusing. I didn't know what they layout was going to be, and I think a second time would be much smoother. You order at the counter, and claim a table anywhere. The tables are pretty squeezed in, and if you want to look at all the cool merchandise, it's a little awkward, since most of the tables are right up against the walls. I got an egg salad sandwich and mushroom soup, both of which were delicious. Lilly got a chocolate chunk cookie that didn't only taste good, but was still warm.

Katie's Pizza
Almost everyone who has come to visit us in St. Louis has had other friends that recommended this place. I'd never heard of it before (nor had many other native St. Louisans that I talked to). I am annoyed that they don't have a website, or at least an easily found website. We went on Saturday night after bowling, around 8 or so. It was crowded, which we expected. We probably waited around 30-40 minutes, which is reasonable. We finally got seated...and then ignored for 30 more minutes. I understand they were busy, and there was probably oversight about which table we belonged to, and luckily the hostess noticed we didn't have any drinks. Our waitress finally came over, and...nothing. No acknowledgment of our wait or anything, which is frustrating. It's not like we weren't going to tip her, since all three of us had worked in food service. So, in summary: service - frustrating, food - fucking delicious, price - ridiculously expensive. Definitely a special-occasion place for us, and probably better for a weeknight.

Hmmmm - these reviews are quite as short as I wanted, but too bad for you I don't feel like editing.  And just in case you wonder about the glamorous conditions under which I write these posts, today not only do I have a lap top, but also a lap cat. Which doesn't make balancing the computer or typing difficult at all. No sir.

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