Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Mix Tapes

Through a lucky twist of fate, I have been reintroduced to the art of making a mix tape. I was particularly proud of the one I produced (although I still haven't come up with a good title), and I thought I'd share it.

 Here's a screen grab of the track list:

Awesome, right?  There are some specific songs in there for a reason, but most of it is just shit I like because I like it.  What rules do you guys use when making mix-tapes?  Is it forbidden to include an artist more than once (as I've done with Neko Case and Murder By Death)?  Are there any songs you always start with?  Are you as frustrated as Rob Gordon?


  1. When I was in high school I learned (via Mark Mothersbaugh) that starting or ending with a Nico song ALWAYS works. Also there was a year or two when I put Judee Sill's "Jesus Was A Crossmaker" on every single tape I made

  2. I think we should start a mailed mix-tape exchange. We can make it a larger group, too. Like less annoying, more awesome chain mail. And if you break the chain, something horrible will happen to you.

    Is this an awesome idea or what?
