Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Food is the most important meal of the day

Okay okay.  I know I haven't updated this bitch in f-o-r-e-v-e-r.  Sorry, Sandlot flashback moment.  So I find myself once again with hat in hand begging for y'all's forgiveness.  In all fairness, my semester was stupid-crazy.  Eighteen hours.  WTF?  Who would do that to themselves?  Especially when three of those hours includes a class on medieval Latin translation. 

Anyway, I am back, and sampling even more of what St. Louis has to offer.  As of right now, that mostly includes disgustingly muggy weather.  Oh river valleys ::shakes fist::.  However, I don't let a little thing like humidity get in the way of sampling local businesses and eateries.  However, since nothing has really moved me, I don't have anything to devote a whole entire, multi-paragraph blog post to.  So follow the jump for some digest-style updating.  All are restaurants, since I haven't really done much else besides veg out and read and eat since my semester ended.  Expect a post about books shortly.

Katie's Pizzeria
Yeah yeah yeah.  I know I didn't like it so much before.  But I've gone back a couple of times and been more impressed each time I went.  So lesson learned here: don't go on a Friday night.  Do get the toasted ravioli, and I'm really partial to that potato rosemary pizza.

The Good Pie
Holy freaking crap.  This place is almost everything I've ever wanted in a restaurant.  Neapolitan-style pizza.  Fantastic, non-hops-centric beer selection, and roasted fucking olives.  Yes, please.

Planet Sub
My new go-to for lunch.  Seriously delicious, seriously not-that-expensive, and seriously serious about vegetarian options.  They make their own wheat break in-house, and they have a frequent buyer coupon option.  And they are always awesome about substitutions.  And they have good potato chips.  And cookies, if you're into that sort of thing.  Two locations in St. Louis.  Rumor has it that the CWE one will deliver to my house, but I have not tested this yet.

Mama Josephine's
This is a new restaurant in my neighborhood that opened a couple months ago.  I had been meaning to try it since then, but always sort of forgot.  It's also homestyle cooking, so I wasn't sure there would be much for a non-meat, non-milk-dairy eater such as myself (oh, did I tell you guys I did that?  because I did that).  However, I finally broke down and ordered delivery last Friday.  They have a vegetarian dish that is bread + four sides.  I also added onion rings because I am that cool (aka fat).  And man, those onion rings were fucking delicious.  Some of the other veggies were a little bland, but they are sides.  Also, can't speak to the bread because they forgot it.  However, the owner herself delivered my meal (and gave me a coupon and a pen), and you all know how much I love free shit.  We made nice small talk for about five minutes, and I now totally want to support the venture.

Sweet Art Bakery
Oh, Sweet Art.  I love you, yet you also make me frustrated.  Sometimes there are delicious vegan treats, and sometimes you are already sold out and sometimes "don't you know they aren't put out until 10:30 am."  Most of your food I've had is delicious, and I really really really want you to succeed.  However, you need to do some basic business revamping.  First of all, your website is annoying.  It's slow and there's music and it's flash and it isn't updated with your current hours.  Second, if you have specific times you serve different types of food (vegan cupcakes, lunch, etc), put those hours on your site.  I know lunch is on there, but I'm not sure if it's accurate.  Third, please make more cupcakes.  And please have them ready to go in the morning so I can take some to work.  I can't come in until before or after work most days and you are sold out already (or they aren't ready yet).  If you have more than you can sell that day, sell the leftovers the next day at a reduced rate.  It's so frustrating to go and discover that there is no food.  However, please keep up the awesome and creative vegan recipes, and that Groupon was a super good decision.  And I also saw on your blog that you were thinking about cooking classes - yes please!  I know you are super awesome and I just want to be able to eat more of you all the time.

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